Thursday, April 23, 2015

PE Reflection and goals


In any case, here is my (late) reflection and goals for PE for the remaining of the semester:

REFLECTIONS: I have not been able to use PE for shadowing once a week as I promised to myself at the beginning of the semester. However, I do try to sub-shadow whenever I watch anime, and since we learned more and more vocabulary in class as time went on, I was able to understand and shadow more and more in the absence of a script. My intonation, in my opinions, has also improved a lot. It was my biggest problem previously. However, I have been studying new vocabulary while listening to the vocabulary audio, and that helps me pronounce think more correctly. Furthermore, watching anime does help, since if I pronounce something not correctly nowadays, I can relate back to the times when I heard those words in anime, and I can correct myself more often. Also, whenever I'm at Princeton, I also go to all three professors's office hours, which is incredibly useful for learning new expression and get correction for my pitch/accent.

GOALS: In the remaining time of the semester, I intend to continue working hard to improve my pitch. Also, as we are gradually moving onto casual speech, I want to improve my pitch pattern and speed so that it sounds natural like my polite speech too. In order to achieve this goal, I intend to have more free conversations with my Japanese native speaker friends. Also, I want to start trying to understand the lyrics of the Japanese music that I listen too. It would help my comprehension during conversation a lot.