Monday, September 29, 2014

Goals Statement for PE


As I'm trying to improve my Japanese speaking, I'm writing here the goals that I want to accomplish and how I'll achieve them. By the end of my 日本語の一年生, I want to improve the following:

- Intonation: Try not to get too pitchy/tonal (I have a very strong southern Vietnamese accent) when speaking Japanese. Become natural in word pitch and sentence intonation!
- Speed: Speak a little bit faster and pace the sentences more naturally.
- Special mora: Try to get my "ん” to sound more natural! 
- Consonants: Become less nasal in my speech. 

To achieve the above, I plan on doing the following:

- Go to Japanese table every week! (With possibly ONLY the exceptions of: (1) before a thesis assignment deadline, (2) 1 week before grad school application deadline, and (3) the week I take GRE exams!)
- Go to 柴田先生's office hour often (ideally once a week) to get my wrong pronunciation corrected.
- Do at least ONE anime shadowing exercise per week.
- Watch (or REwatch) one episode of しんげきのきょじん per week and try to speak along with a character in it (エレン?).

That's it for now <(^_^)> じゃあ、また。


  1. はじめまして。わたしもいちねんせいです。にほんごはむずかしいですか?がんばってください。
    Hello. I'm Yuka. I'm a Japanese student. I'm in business administration. You have clear goals, so I believe you can improve your Japanese. I have been to Vietnam once.

    1. はじめまして。どうぞよろしく!

  2. わたしは立命館大学(りつめいかんだいがく)にいっています。ベトナムにはきょねんの9がつにいきました。
