Friday, September 19, 2014

My new song! ぼく の ソング!


If you have a moment, please check out my new song (sadly my にほんご is still not good enough, so it's gonna be in えいご :P) - Loving You:

I'm sorry the quality isn't great, but I did everything (from beginning to compose to record my singing, playing and editing) in 7 hours, so it was a bit rushing :) I wanted to complete this song early to dedicate it to a special someone back in Vietnam as an official good bye and thank you for all the things that person has done.

いま、わたし は とても かなしい.

Anyways, mina-san, please enjoy it! どうぞ.


  1. すごい!I have to say this is pretty cool チャオさん (hope I spelled your name correctly). It's impressive that you were able to write all of this so quickly.

    1. おはよう、グラフさん!You've got my name right!

      I really love singing-songwriting, so I try to do that once in a while (when my thesis advisor does not chase after me T_T). Probably I'll have a more well-prepared song in a few weeks :)
