Tuesday, November 4, 2014

PE reflections


先月 PE の goals おかきました。Today I will review what goals I have and have not accomplished:

一。毎日 にほんごのテブル に いきました。
二。よく 柴田先生 の office hours に いきます。Sensei helped me on my intonation a lot, and I think it is getting better.
三。Do at least one shadowing a week: I watch a lot of anime, and often tried to imitate the speech of the character. However, I haven't done formal shadowing (careful, with scripts) yet.

For the remaining of the semester, I intend to continue going to Japanese table and 柴田先生の office hours. I will try to fulfill the one shadowing per week goal that I haven't accomplished last time. Besides, I will try singing a Japanese song for my next free PE statement. :)


  1. Interesting. You are learning Japanese by watching anime. It kind of reminds me of the days when I learned English by imitating lines from movies and TV series. However, I still think it might be a little early to do this given our present stage, and maybe it is better to start from reciting texts. Just some advices. XD

    1. Thank you so much for your advice! One activity which I found extremely helpful when I started learning English was to watch movies in English to (1) shadow their speech and improve my intonation, and (2) practice my reading my following the subtitles. So I'm hoping to gain the same thing by watching anime for Japanese :)

      Also, it's nice to be able to recognize vocabulary that I have learned in the conversations once in a while :D :D It certainly feels good to see that I can understand more and more as I progress in Japanese. Like today, while watching Conan, I heard the phrase "もう すこし がんばってる” and I was very glad to be able to understand the whole phrase :D

  2. はじめまして!ジェームスシュエです。どうぞよろしくおねがいします。


    1. ジェームスさん!はじめまして。ビュー・チャウです。どうぞよろしく。

      ええ。にほんのおんがく が だいすきです。ポップ と ロック は私のいちばん!だれ は ジェームスさん の すきなシンガー ですか。
